What is a Fresa?

What is a Fresa?

What is a Fresa?

You have an undeniable confidence in your FUTURE,  However your feet are planted firmly in TODAY. After all “this” MOMENT is the only sure thing.  You’ve laughed ~Charmingly~ In the face of adversity.  You face it fearlessly knowing life brings you exactly what you need.    You have been a dedicated soldier in the fight to find YOU.   Laughter or Tears, Success or failure, Win or loose you Demand more.   Your impeccable style is matched only by  your superb and unwavering character.   Though your nature is elegant and graceful,  you are the first to fight the fight if the cause is right.   You are a person of distinction. Your integrity lights the way.   Your life is a collection of wondrous moments that  are all yours and as clumsy and imperfect as it may look,  it resembles you more and more everyday.  You are playful yet powerful, cautious yet courageous,  humble yet confident. You are the first to admit  you are flawed, but in those flaws,  You are Flawless.  You are a pocket full of sunshine, the smile to a stranger,  The light to so many lives.  You are classy and fabulously unique.   You are the party, a parade all by yourself.    People can’t help but love you, but more importantly,   YOU love YOU.  YOU ARE FRESA.